Wednesday, September 17, 2008


So here we are, just a few short hours from boarding the plane and yes, we are still packing. We are actually pretty close to being ready, just a few things we still need to run out and get to fill up those suitcases. We can't believe it is time to go bring our Joshua home! Seems like it has taken FOREVER to get here and now we are just 4 days from holding and hugging and kissing our sweet little boy, our son.
Ralph, bless him, put this blog together this week and when we were trying to decide what to call it, "7-passenger van" came up. Sounds odd, I know, but after finding out we had a son, we started looking at Eurovans. You know, those goofy-looking Volkswagon vans that they don't even make anymore. Well, we are so excited about our growing family, it just made us realize how much we would love to fill up a 7-passenger van! So, hence the name of the blog. Ohana, the title on the blog is Hawaiian for "Family". You know how much we love Hawaii and living Aloha, so Ohana is just what we are.
Mommy and Makena just returned from a mani/pedi session and Makena was treated like a princess there, so she was so excited. She has been talking about Joshua all day and I know she just cannot wait to meet him. We know there will be trials and tribulations with their relationship, but I hope they ultimately form that deep sibling bond of love that Ralph and I both have with our brothers and sisters.
God has truly blessed us, beyond what we could have ever imagined, with two beautiful children and an incredible family and group of friends whose love and support we have relied upon for weeks, months, years, decades.... Thank you so much!
We look forward to sharing this experience with you and hope you enjoy checking out photos and hearing our ramblings of what's happening in China! Now let's go bring Joshua home!!!!!!